Litz Wire
Product Description
Litz wire is a type of cable used in electronics to carry alternating current. The wire is designed to reduce the skin effect and proximity effect losses in conductors used at frequencies up to about 1 MHz. It consists of many thin wire strands, individually insulated and twisted or woven together, following one of several carefully prescribed patterns often involving several levels (groups of twisted wires are twisted together, etc.). This winding pattern equalizes the proportion of the overall length over which each strand is at the outside of the conductor.
The term litz wire originates from Litzendraht, German for braided/stranded wire or woven wire.
RUPALIT® high-frequency litz wires are constructed from RUPOL®, RUPEX® or RUTHERM® enamelled copper wires. (aluminium wires on request)
On special request, we can also supply any other design of litz wire up to an overall cross-section of 1.000 mm². For further information, please refer to our Data Sheets.
Advantages of using RUPALIT® HF litz wires:
- less warming of the components
- less size of the components
- Substantial reduction in weight
- Increased efficiency
- less skin- and proximity losses
- less eddy current losses
- Elimination of overheating from eddy currents
- Avoidance of “hot spots”
- high breakdown voltage of the insulation
Pack Feindrahte Litz Wire:
- Rupalit HF- litz wire
- High copper fill factor
- Triple insulated litz wire
- Planar ribbon
- RUPLAIT Classic and Classic Plus Litz Wire
- RUPALIT® Safety Litzwires
- RUPALIT® Profile Litzwire
- RUPALIT® Planar Litzwire
- RUPOL® Safety