IECEx standard’s objective is the facilitation of international trade in equipment used in explosive environments, while maintaining the required level of safety
Which means:
- Reduced testing and certification costs to manufacturer
- Reduced time to market
- International confidence in the product assessment process
- one international database listing
- Maintaining International Confidence in equipment and services covered by IECEx Certification
IECEx Equipment Scheme
Please note, the following information is for general reference only, and does not apply to any Deeter products unless specifically stated.
The IECEx Scheme is an International Certification Scheme covering product that meets the requirements of International Standards, e.g. IEC Standards prepared by TC 31.The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme provides both:
a) A single International Certificate of Conformity that requires manufacturers to successfully complete:
- Testing and Assessment of samples for compliance with Standards
- Assessment and auditing of manufacturers premises
- On-going surveillance audits of manufacturers premises
b) A “fast-track” process for countries where regulations still require the issuing of national Ex Certificates or approval. This is achieved by way of global acceptance of IECEx equipment Test and Assessment Reports.
Certificates issued by the IECEX Certified Equipment Scheme are issued as “Electronic Certificates” and are live on the IECEx Website. This enables full public access for viewing and printing. Visit the IECEx ‘Online Certificate’ System.
IECEX Certified Facilities Scheme
This IECEx Scheme is an International Certification Scheme that covers the assessment and the on-site audit of organizations that provide services such as Repair and Overhaul service to the Ex industry.
Due to the very high capital investment made by industry in most Ex equipment it is much more economical to repair and overhaul equipment rather than to replace it with new. This also has obvious environmental benefits.
The challenge for industry is to ensure that all the very unique Ex safety features, included in the design and manufacturing of Ex equipment, are not compromised during the repair process.
Ex Repair and Overhaul Facilities and Workshops, certified under the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme, provide industry with the assurance that repairs and overhaul to Ex equipment will be undertaken according to the strict requirements of IECEx Scheme to the International Standard IEC 60079-19.
Like the IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, only “Electronic Certificates” are issued via the “On-Line” system thereby giving industry full access to both the viewing and printing of certificates.
The Ex Mark of Conformity System
This IECEx System is an International Conformity System where a Mark of Conformity will be granted by approved IECEx certifiers (ExCBs) located in IECEx participating countries for equipment that is covered by an IECEx Certificate of Conformity and hence has been tested and manufactured under systems that are under ongoing surveillance by ExCBs.
It will help governments, safety regulators, and industry to have greater assurance that the equipment being operated or supplied for use in areas where flammable gases and vapours and combustible dusts (termed explosive atmospheres) are present, meet the world’s most respected and vigorous safety standards.
The Mark shall only be placed on products or on packaging and promotional material covered by a valid IECEx Certificate of Conformity issued in accordance with the IECEx System rules.
For more information